J is for Joke

(oops so I'm two days late and running behind on the A to Z challenge!!)

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J was an issue. I had thought of J for Jones (which is my maiden name) and then got stuck.

So while listening to Car laugh last night I thought joke but then fell asleep after reading my book and never published or wrote it.

Anyway we love telling jokes in our house.

 Bel's first favourite joke was:

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use honey combs

These days  her jokes are all poo and fart related!

Car hasn't quite got round to understanding that jokes are meant to be funny and so are normally along the lines of:

Why did the man cross the road?

To get to the other side and the shops and the bear..

Neb's jokes are all the old ones and are being classed as dad jokes (normally because he gets them from his dad!)

What do you call a man with a spade on his head?

And then there's my joke telling which if just telling jokes for the kids is fine :

What's red and goes round and round?
A frog in a blender

But there's one joke am never allowed to say again. The joke (passed down from my mum) is the red, white and pink ping pong ball joke. Its not really funny but makes me laugh every time!!