Social Media - are you protected?

I guess being a blogger it does bring it home to you how out there things are. And this is why I use pet names for the kids and the husband. And why you all know me as Barenakedmummy or BNM.

But have you thought about your use on Facebook or on Twitter. How much do you share? Or should you share.

Laptop With Silhouette People  courtesy of jannoon028 /

Did you know that according to an article on Norton 's website over one-third of social media site users have posted when they’re going to be away from their home. I know that I'm guilty of this but its normally because we are excited to be going away. But then there's the what if, what if person A who knows you is friends with Person B who is a burglar and reads through Person A's timeline that we Person X are away. Its an open inviation for Person B to break in? Or is it?

 So, how can we keep our privacy protected - how can we ensure that we are involving ourselves in a more safe online experience. 

  • Read the fine print - ensure you know what details will be given out and when. You wouldn't give anyone you didn't know your bank account so why give them your personal details.

  • Keep your address private - one things I ensure with my kids when they go on the internet is that they use false names and don't give out our address. Luckily they are both very aware and have had talks about internet safety in school. A good website for them to use is CBBC as a false name is generated when they log in.

  • Think twice about the photos you post - I know we tend to post a lot of our photos but we are aware that for instance Neb's mum and dad don't like being on them so we crop them out. What about the school your kids attend, many schools have their own policies on photos of children so ensure you don't end up getting into a row about it. If you blog why not use PicMonkey or similar software to add a watermark. On Facebook, you can set up Privacy settings.

  •  Always think before you post anything - something I know that in the past I've been guilty of not doing. Remember that some employers scan social networking sites and if you say something it may one day come and bite you on the arse. 


A guest post on social media privacy.