Blue Peter Book Awards Winners
If you caught Newsround this morning, you'll have noticed that the winners of the Blue Peter Book Awards have been announced.
The winners are:
Best book with facts - Tony Robinson for his Weird World of Wonders book - which I mentioned on the blog last week (I think it was my poem what did it!) .
So you should all rush out and buy it now because Blue Peter said so!
Tony Robinson was delighted to win for a second time:
“If happiness is usually the size of a tennis ball, my feelings are the size of Australia! Blue Peter is a genuine stamp of approval and because children themselves do the voting, there’s something very real about this win – it actually feels like a pat on the back from the readership themselves.” Big pat on the back from all four of us. Well done!
Best Story - Rooftoppers - Katherine Rundell
Katherine Rundell commented on her win:
“I am so wildly delighted and grateful: to win a prize that is voted for by the people for you whom you wrote the book is the most spectacular feeling. And I am thrilled to get a Blue Peter badge at last! I spent most of my childhood loitering hopefully near rivers, waiting for someone to fall in and need
rescuing so that I could get a badge - and now I don't even have to get wet. Thank you!”
Having read the synopsis of the book, this is definately a book I'll be getting Bel (and then stealing it) to read.
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