Meal Planning Tuesday - Pimms oclock!
Last week we stuck quite well to the meal plan apart from Friday when the girls had flat chicken!!
This week's meal plan has been done at speed last night while cooking burgers!! I've also added prices for the products that I thought were good value on the meal plan
Monday - Burger in the bun and chips -(these ones from Lidl - good bargain I think)
(Lidl £3.49 for 8)
Tuesday - Fajitas using the kit brought from Morrisons
(Morrisons £1.79 )
Wednesday - Sausages and Chips for the girls, Oven baked risotto for me and Neb
Thursday - Sausage Meatballs and Pasta (using leftover sausages from last night)
Friday - my last day in current job - may have to be takeaway tonight
Saturday - Lasagne
Sunday - Roast or Salad of some kind dependant on weather!
And no, I haven't been sponsored by Pimms but when its sunny and the tennis is on and there's an offer in Morrisons then you just have to.....
(Morrisons - currently £10)