The day I entered a bake off

So tonight is THE FINAL of the Great British Bake Off (though me and the girls won't watch it until Friday so shh don't say who won) and I feel like I finally have time to blog (I've been so busy with new job, new uni term and of course the summer).
Anyway, digressing, last Friday I entered a bake off. I love baking but I dithered a lot about the cake to make.. should it be a simple madeira, my chocolate orange cake (-which sometimes doesn't cook properly in the middle so I vetoed that one) or the mocha cake I made Neb for father's day earlier in the year.
So the chocolate mocca cake won and off I made to make it. Which would have been fine if I wasn't in the throws of Fresher's flu (damned students).
The cake making bit went well, considering I covered myself in flour and used our broken food processor. See the blue tape, its kind of holding the bowl together!
The bake was actually fine too, but then my energy level died. I managed to persuade Neb to cut the cake in half that was fine. Then there was the icing bit which I mucked up and Neb noticed when he came into tidy up after me.
" how much icing sugar did you use.."
" oh no, after icing the cake.... um not enough"
It seems I'd only used 3oz butter to 3oz icing sugar so the icing was well wrong....oops
There was some lovely cakes at our Bake Off ( all to raise money for Macmillan) and I did feel awful putting mine on the table and next year I may enter a different category.
Cake anyone?