Inverness my ass...

I have been tagged by Clare (20somethingmum) in the Q+A thingy bob (I think its the one that comes from the Guardian magazine!) that's doing the rounds at the moment. I'd like to point out  to all of you lot that I'm not a redheaded man from Inverness as she thinks I am (I have since proved her wrong on this!!)  and even though am in a bit of a hangover haze I will try my best to answer all the questions in a truthful fashion:

Which living person do you most admire, and why?
Apart from the men and women who fight wars for us daily (even though we shouldn't really be there (ahem Libya!), I think that I admire my dad for coping with my mum through her illnesses (even when he was ill). I admire the strength he had being strong for her and the strength he showed being strong for us. We may only talk fleetingly on the phone these days ( bloke thing apparently) but I think that his strength is something that I wish one of these days I will inherit!
When were you happiest? 
I was happy last night in my drunken haze but  my wedding day was also a very happy moment (even through some tears).

When was your most embarrassing moment?
Oh god there have been a few, Wi finding my knickers in her aspidistra plant may be top of the list (this might have been more embarrassing for her than me!), or the time I weed myself in Primary school (I know TMI)
Aside from property what's the most expensive thing you've bought?
Don't own a house and have no money so really have no idea!!! 

What's your most treasure possession?
I'm not very good with possessions but I think my memories and pictures of my family would be the first thing I'd carry (you know if the house burnt down!)
Where would you like to live?
I love living in Inverness Wales and if I'd change one thing it would be to live a bit more rurally in a big house with a big garden!
What's your favourite smell?
Issy Miake perfume/aftershave .. I love it
Who would play you in a film of your life?
Seeing as have been told (in younger days) that I had legs like Julie Roberts, it would have to be either her or Nicole Kidman
What is your favourite book?
So, so hard to choose this one,as I love reading all kinds of books but the one I return to time and time again has to be Jane Eyre
What's your most unappealing habit?
 I pick my nose (after telling the kids off for this), I bite my nails, I suck my thumb, I ... crap there's too many to list
What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
Obviously of choice it would have to be cat woman but I may have to be covered head to toe in pull bits in underwear
What is your earliest memory?
My memory is shot to pot.. I remember my brother being born and me thinking he was mine (or is this a memory I've been told...)
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Being able to sit in work and eat chocolate without the girls wanting some, being able to blog my worries away (without Neb knowing), being able to drink and be merry (aw!)
What do you owe your parents?
I owe them everything, my language, my life, who I am..!
To whom would you most like to say sorry to, and why?
Sorry to the cat whose tail I stood on this morning....(even though the damned thing was in my way!)
What or who is the biggest love of your life?
My husband and my kids

What does love feel like?
Like you would do anything for that person even if sometimes it makes you feel blue
What was the best kiss of your life?
Oh so many to choose... I would have to say the four way snog we had last night as a family!
What words or phrases do you most overuse?
Fuckin hell...
What's the worst job you've ever done?
I used to work in McDonald's (which wasn't as bad as all that ) but some of the cleaning work we did was vile!
If you could edit your past what would you change?
The only thing about my life that I would change is to bring my mum back so she could see her wonderful grandchildren.

What's the closest you've come to death?
We had a car accident when Car was just under 1. I still don't remember it to this day (only what Neb told me). The car was a right off, the lorry driver got off!!!, we both got out unharmed (sprained ankle) and Car sat there laughing. Luckily Bel was not in the car...
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being able to write this without throwing up...!!

When did you last cry and why?
Yesterday while watching DIY SOS - I am an emotional wreck and will cry at everything and anything!
How do you relax?
What single thing would improve your quality of life?
Being able to afford our own house where we could do with it what we liked, or being able to magically get Neb a job he wanted!
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?   
To know that I will not fall, or break but bounce.....!

Now I'm going to tag the following bloggers... Spencer Park over at Donkey Trousers (because you know you wanna..), Harriet @ Plan B (because she is baaack) and you (yes , you, you wanna go.. then do it!!)

