Tracks of my years - or when I realise that I have bad taste in music

Over at The Madhouse, a new meme has been started which will run weekly to give her kids a glimpse into the music of her past. I love the idea of this meme but know that I am going to embarrass myself (a lot) with this.
You see my taste in music is eclectic (or just plain random!).

I'm starting this meme with the first track I remember listening to. I had this track on cassette of all things.I was (at the tender age of 9) in love with this man (and stayed in love with him for many years, even when my dad kept on saying that he was older than him - it turns out he was but I would deny it!). After getting this cassette, I would walk round car boot sales with my parents and buy more of his albums. Getting these albums would allow me and my friend to sing along with (the great classics) "This Ole House, Green Door and Oh Julie".

Before you all leave me and never come back again because my music taste is bad, don't forget to check out the other tracks.

