Temper, temper

I have a red hair and a temper that you would not like to cross. I don't easily erupt and I tend to keep things in (honestly!) but when I go you better watch out.

Well it seems that Car has inherited my temper. Neb had a Welsh class tonight after I finished work so as he was leaving asked the girls to "Make sure they behave for Mummy" and then he left and all hell broke out.

Whilst in the kitchen ,washing up I heard a scream. So with my soapy hands, I walk into the living room. It seems that Car didn't want to listen to Bel's suggestion of how to play with her Duplo. Now, as Bel had been playing with her DS when I'd left them , I tried to calm things down by asking Bel if she'd like her telly on.

I know that the girls watch to much tv, and I'm trying to redeem this situation. Anyway, I turned the telly over for Bel and went back to the washing up (what a lovely life I lead!).

Anyway, I had just about put my hands back in the sink when I heard an all mighty scream from the living room. I go back in to find a full blown tantrum underway. So, I gave one warning and told Car that Bel was watching her tv and that she was playing with the Duplo. As soon as I turned to leave, she carried on screaming so I got down to her level and asked her to come to me (she was by the sofa!). Car refused, so I asked again. On the third refusal I picked her and put her on the naughty step. Well I'd never seen anything like it, she screamed and screamed and threw herself off the naughty step.

So, being as she was crying hysterically I took her into my arms and tried to calm her down. I told her why I'd put her there and explained that "Mummy didn't like to see her so upset but that she had to listen to what Mummy said". I managed to calm her but in that moment, that small moment, there was fire in her eyes and the redness of her hair was coming out.

I hope that nights like this will be rare but knowing that she is mostly her mother's daughter, I think that I better buy a hard hat!

