Monsters in my room
There are monsters in my bed
And they want me dead
There are critters in my room
Trying to kill me
Can I sleep with Bel?
Can I sleep with you?
Can you stay here?
To stop me from being eaten by a bear!
There are no such things as monsters
You will not be killed
Please go to sleep
Please count sheep
The bears in your room
Will protect you dear
Your bed is so comfy
Please stay here
But my teddy bears aren't real
And the ghosts are very creepy
Things go bump at night
And I'm not sleepy
BNM 4/07/12
Yes, this is how things are with Car at the moment. Apparently sleep is not needed and we have had tears and hysterics before bedtime.We've had night terrors with Bel and conquered them but have no idea how to conquer the won't go to sleep because of monsters scenario. We have tried the calming technique, the go to sleep technique, the changing of the CD (as Who Killed Cock Robin may be giving her deathly thoughts (Neb's idea), so if you have any ideas please let me know.
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