Silent Night

Yes I know its not Christmas but it is so quite in this house at the moment as Bel has gone to stay with her grandparents. She is having a whale of a time and eating them out of house and home (makes a change to have food in the cupboards here!!).
Car, on the other hand is missing her terribly and doesn't seem to understand where she has gone. She toddled into Bel's bedroom this morning, looking for her and came back out looking lost,bless.

Thought I'd share with you some of the words that Car is saying now at nearly... 20 months (sorry I had to stop there and work it out!)

  • Gaden - for her favourite TV programme "In the Night Garden" which I still don't get but there we are.
  • Ogut - Yogurt - favourite pudding ever especially when I'm nice and get her a chocolate one!!
  • mmstp - what Car says when you are doing round and round the garden and start doing the steps
  • dog - normally very loudly at any passing dog which we then have to stare at and if at the park will try and follow
  • mummmmm, muumm ,, muumm - getting louder each time if I ignore her with mum's individually pronounced
  • fsh - at our fish in fish tank, at the fish in the pet shop (followed by slapping the tank if I don't watch out)
  • Lola - Car watches Charlie and Lola with Bel and can now recognise Lola and even calls her sister Lola too!!
  • dadadadadadad
  • jws - for her drink

Trying to get her to say Love You at the moment which is coming out as oo w.....

See you all soon



  1. Ahh so cute, my twenty two month old twins say "fsh" for fish too and they call their sisier Fifi "pee pee" - it's adorable. Although to be honest i'm not willing them to talk too much at the mo as i know once they can they won't shut up - silence is golden and very rare in our house :)


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