Dim Ffwrn

We are still sans oven (or dim ffwrn in Welsh)

The man who can (ie our landlords gas man) said when we rang him yesterday that he had a new one ready for us. He had told our landlord when he came and did the Gas check's that we needed a new oven. When Neb rang him yesterday he said he'd be round today (probably) with a new one. But he hasn't been round!

I am running out of ideas of things to feed the girls, Monday they had a fry up, today - they had tuna pasta (but without the Green Giant sweetcorn that Car loves as she's eaten it all!) and tomorrow, well they were meant to have fish bites (ie home made fish fingers) and chips. But without the oven what can I do, fish bites and mash don't go together, do they?

Any ideas welcome as to what I feed them , otherwise it will be pasta again!!!

