Doh moments I've had this week

Hello I am back - still coughing, sniffing but here....

As my brain is obviously befuddled by this damn stinking cold I have had many D'OH moments. (I was going to put a picture of Homer (Simpson not the ancient Greek) but realised it would be probably copyrighted).

D'oh Moment 1

Listening to new Glee Rocky Horror Show on IPod and decided that the lyrics went :"Opportunity, bless my soul" when they're actually "Hot Patootie, bless my soul." I guess that's what happens when I've never seen the original Rocky Film - but its OK - we have it on DVD so I may get round to watching it soon

D'oh moment 2

Leaving the oven on and then getting up to get my supper - and realising I hadn't put it in!

(actually that just happened!!!... must be the over the counter drugs!)

D'oh moment 3

Not being able to get a sentence together that actually makes sense, my brain has turned to mush - my cold has taken over. I need to blog more but I'm sorry my brain has died.......

See you later

