Mollycoddling mummy

I realise tonight, as I put Car's nappy on and give her the dummy that yes I am mollycoddling her. She is 3, she should be going to bed nappy free and that dummy needs to be gone, but I can't. My little girl, my baby and I can't do it. I can't seem to break that link. Car lost points on her developmental check last month because she didn't dress herself. She can, its just easier most of the time for me to get it done, like in the morning to get us out of the house on time.

Bel went through the night dry long before her 3rd birthday. I know I shouldn't compare them but why can't I get Car to do the same. She still has a drink to go to bed with her so am I going to have to bite the bullet and take that away. Or just take her nappy away and hope that she doesn't wet the bed too many times. I don't even know if she knows that she's going in the night! I'm so crap. Work is very busy at the moment and I know that if you asked me and I answered honestly I'd tell you that I don't want to be woken late at night to check for wetness or to change the bed.

But am I harming her by keeping her as my baby girl, not letting her grow up. I did try really hard to rid the dummy but I am struggling with the screams when we have a tired child and the demanding puppy dog eyes that we get "Dummy mummy, please....."

If anyone has any ideas how I can let her grow up, remind me how I get her dry at night (because obviously I've forgotten...), remind me how I can be strong for her, how I can let my baby girl grow up....

