Pasta night

Pasta, it seems to be a staple on our meal plan every week. As Lasagna, Spaghetti or just with sauce it appears often. Car would eat it on a daily business if you let her. So tonight, with thoughts of another pasta meal looming ahead I decided to be different.

We didn't use our leftover chicken on Monday night with everyone fancying Pizza instead (shop bought) so I knew I had chicken. I knew Car would have the staple tuna pasta so I had to think of something for me and Bel to have on or with our pasta.

I love carbonara but couldn't be bothered to buy cream and faff!

So for dinner we had a fake carbonara:

Large handful of cooked chopped chicken
1 pot of Creme Fraiche (200ml)
3 spoonfuls of Pesto (green but I think red would have worked well)
Pasta - I measure mine in handfuls and I guess there was about 3-4 handfuls there

Cook pasta as directed.
Mix chicken, creme fraiche and pesto into cooked chicken in pan. Warm through and serve.
We served ours with a some chopped tomatoes on the top and a small bit of cheese (well it is pasta!)

Mmm, Yummy