You can be anything you want to be including a parsnip

I have gone insane and yes that is an angry Parsnip. 

Changes are hard and over the expanse of time when I didnt blog there were a few here in the BNM household. We went from a family of 4 to a family of 3 and although it was a difficult time for all, our lives are happier.

We lost some pets over that time, both Pickle and Samami the kids first pets died and are buried somewhere in the garden. Samami died on Halloween and a declaration of she will haunt us was sent up by one of the kids. Guinea pigs came and went - there were possibly two or three.

New pets are now a part of our family - we have Cinnamon and Nutmeg (the two interchangeable named guinea pigs that noone can tell apart these days)

I'd promised the kids a new cat after lockdown and last year we managed to get a cute, overdramatic (fits right in there), christmas tree killer and darling bundle of joy (I have scratches to prove it). The kids named the cat and the cat has several names but mainly Nyx (greek goddess of the night - may be the reason that zoomies at 10pm is a thing).

I mentioned how Bel is now Afon and non binary but this is my blog and not theirs so although they told me that they didn't feel right as female one New Year's Eve and felt better as an enby I won't tell their story. I have always told my kids that they can be anything they want to be even a parsnip and am so proud of them telling me, teaching me and letting me learn from both of them daily.

And me, have I changed, yes I think I have,  I've become me again and remembered that I come first. I've remembered what it's like to laugh and share.  And that parts of my life shouldn't be brushed under the carpet. So let the blogging continue.



  1. Sounds like you are in a good space now and that makes me happy for you and your family.

    1. <3 is the only way I can send hearts over. Thank you my lovely


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