Decisions , Decisions, Decisions!!!

It's that time of year again - I need to start thinking about main Christmas presents for the girls.

But this year Santa is on a budget as Neb still has no job and therefore I will be buying all gifts!!!!!!!!!

I've decided that Car will probaly get something Winnie the Pooh or Night Garden related as she is into these... shouting Poo in the middle of supermarket when she sees a balloon is dead giveaway!

Bel is a problem, she wants a DS (something I'm loathe to get her as I WANT ONE!!)

I know that Laura @ Arewenearlythereyetmummy has decided to get her daughter one but I'm a bit more mean undecided!

So instead I've been looking at the Leapster Lmax or VTECH smile Cyber Pocket instead.

Both seem to retail at the same price and have the same pros and cons.
I've even managed to persuade Bel that she would prefer either to the DS. Thank god for the Argos catalogue and the power of mummy persuasion!

But which one do I get?
Decisions , Decisions, Decisions!!!



  1. I don't know anything about any of the other ones ... all I can dream about is a DS and the problems it may/may not bring.

    The 5 year old is cranking up the pressure too by gazing wistfully out of the window and saying theings like 'When Santa brings me a DS'.


  2. Laura - I know Bel has been walking round the house dressed up as CookaMamma - apparently a game - but when I pointed out to her that you could get spongebob square pants games on one of the consoles I think (hopefully) I won!


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