Pregnancy Lows

A Mother'Secrets is collecting pregnancy lows so I thought I'd contribute my own pregnancy story.

Bel wasn't planned, I had lost my mother a year before we conceived her and we only did conceive her because my taking of the pill was erratic or non existent. When I finally realised that maybe something was wrong as I hadn't had a period for a while, me and Neb decided to get a pregnancy test. Now in the shock of getting one, I decided that it was obviously not right and had to do another one the next day. The pink lines showed that I was pregnant!
So off I went to the doctors as I stupidly thought that they wouldn't believe the test do another one and tell me that all was fine and I wasn't pregnant. So in I walked with an urine sample! The doctor looked at me - said no they didn't need it and that she'd book me in for a midwife appointment and a dating scan but that I looked (and felt) about 4 months gone!!
The shock wore off and I loved being pregnant. I ate for two - I adored the looks people gave me but not strange people feeling my bump. It still annoys me now! I mean come on people! I'd planned a natural birth, no drugs, soothing music and lots of walking around! Yeah right!!
Anyway everything went fine until the due date came and went. People ( gran) rang up several times to ask if the baby had arrived yet? - really not needed gran. I went a week over - my midwife did a sweep but said that she didn't think it would work as the plug didn't come out! Gee thanks I said as off I went, passing people from my Ante Natal class whose babies had arrived early or on time!
Two days passed, and I went back into the clinic where my midwife said they would induce me. She said that this worked for most people. So I got a bed, had legs splayed and prostin gel was given.
It didn't work. I had one more lot and then begged to go home. This was Friday night - day 11 over. They agreed as long as I came back in by 6am on Sunday morning for some more prostin.
I went home, I was big the size of a small bus, I had curry - no luck, we went for a romantic walk on stony beach (in February in gales!!) - no luck, we tried sex - but really that wasn't gonna work - did I mention I was the size of a beached whale!!
In I went on Sunday, the prostin didn't work again! The consultant came to see me on Monday morning - day 14 over!! and said I had two choices, induction by drip or a c section. I declared that there was no way I was having a c section so off I went for the drip.
OMG no on had warned me that when you were being induced by drip it would hurt, I had all the drugs going- and an epidural!!
The pain stopped, I couldn't feel anything. Apparently I was contracting. I swore at the consultant who asked me to push as I couldn't feel anything. My midwife had to tell me when to push.
This didn't work - they said they'd try ventouse - fantastic I said not really knowing it was like a big sucking vacuum cleaner! It didn't work - they then said that they'd use forceps. I started to panic a bit - there I was lying in a bed, drip in arm ,drugged up to the eye balls , leg in stirrups and there the consultant man was forceps in arm pulling my baby out!!
Bel finally arrived - all 9lb2 of her.
Yes I here you say, pregnancy over - oh no not me! The consultant pulled at the cord and it snapped. Time for manual extraction of placenta he stated or up to surgery for you. My epidural had by this time wore off!! The Anathetist came down and told me to breathe that damn gas and air and nothing else I'm damned if we're going to theatre!!
The placenta came out, I'd lost a lot of blood, the auxillary nurse washed me and thankfully I was done!

Not the best pregnancy labour experience ever but I don't seem to do things by half, Car was again 2 weeks over but luckily this time they told me I could go for as long as I wanted and if I wanted to more than 2 weeks they would have monitored me and her daily until they would have to intervene! Again I was the size of a large family car but after a sweep I started labour myself. This was a large shock as I didn't know a thing about labour pains but thankfully I have a friend who was then a trainee midwife (now full blown midwife) who I rang and described my symptoms to her and she said Yes you are in early stage Labour. Yeah!
Off I went to hospital early, too early according to one of the midwives who said " I thought you'd be screaming in pain!"
I'd decided this time round too use the pool - but I didn't know that the pool (or big bath) wouldn't be deep enough - I'm 5ft11 and didn't get comfortable in it. So in and out I came in 5 minutes!
Back to the room I was getting on well with just gas and air, until my midwife said I had to move to the delivery suite - cue screaming as I didn't want to be in that room again not after last time!!!
Eventually they persuaded me so off I went to push - I knew what it felt like and goddamn was I doing it.
But as we all know, things don't always go to plan and after pushing for what seems like forever , I was getting very tired and Car was not moving- she'd apparently moved her head and was getting it stuck!
So off I went for an Emergency C-section which was done under anasthetic!! Bloody hell - couldn't I do anything right - off I went in tears up the elevator. Apparently they delivered Car fine but while removing teh placenta it came off in bits and I lost a lot of blood.
I woke up later in the recovery room without my baby not knowing where she was.
They finally moved me to the ward where dear Neb was sitting with a screaming hungry baby who'd been sucking his finger in vain. Car was here - 2 weeks late and weighing 9lb2!!

So there we are, two liitle girls both delivered differently both 2 weeks late and both weighing a very healthy 9lb2!
(Updated Monday 12th October - I'd managed to miss out the worst of it when I first wrote it!!!)
