Wobbly teeth and the credit crunch!

We have a wobbly tooth in our house. At first I panicked but after checking google its normal. Bel who is now 5 and 3/4 has her first ever wobbly tooth.
She is now using it as a
n excuse - this morning its I can't eat my toast as my tooth is wobbly! Last night it was I can't chew that because I've got a wobbly tooth!!
I'm now saying to her what my mum said to me " don't wobble it" even though I know the urge is already there.

But what I want to know is how much does the tooth fairy give for wobbly teeth these days. Also, do children believe in the tooth fairy these days - could I get away with not giving money for her tooth?

Let me know what you all think?



  1. Someone else posted about the tooth fairy recently. Sorry I can't remember who. I advise a small token and letting your child know that the recession has affected the Tooth Fairy, too! He he he!

  2. Thanks Working Mum - Since I wrote this post, Bel has wobbled her tooth out and the tooth fairy visited last night - 1 gold coin was given even though Bel said she would be happy with 10p!


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