There's Klingons on the starboard bow....

starboard bow, starboard bow

There's not really its just that Car has turned into super clingon child. She is fine when I get up with her at 5am, (its the middle of the night but someone is teething and moany) but then when Bel gets up and I'm trying to be awake its " Huggie"... (she is stuck to me now as I write this, she climbed up over the lego box just to have Huggie)
In a minute I will finish writing this and make the girls breakfast, I will have to ask her to park her bum next to Bel on the sofa and watch some kids tv so that I can get dressed and make breakfast! She will probaly moan as I go upstairs and get dressed and she will then definately follow me into the kitchen, where I will have to walk around her. (we have very small galley kitchen which is badly laid out but hey not my house!).
She will eat her breakfast and then I will take them upstairs for face washing and teeth brushing. Everything will be Ok then until we try and get toothbrush off her! Then I will try and get her dressed - a challenge in itself depending on her mood!
I will then wait for dear hubbie to get up and take me to work and Bel to school. She will in this 10 minute bracket get super dooper clingy and have to huggie me all the time!
We then have to prise her into the car seat - she has learnt that if she is solid it takes a while and she can get more huggies!
I then get dropped off at work and everything is fine, child reverts to normal happy toddler for her father and then turns back like Jekyll/Hyde into monster when I finish work.
They come to meet me and I get "Huggie, Mummy, Huggie" arms stretched looking up at me. When we get home and I dare take my shoes/coat off she screams and has a tantrum. If I then go to make their supper so hubbie can have a rest after looking after Car all day she will scream and shout, and try and follow me to kitchen.
Yesterday, I got her and Bel to play with the playdough on dining room table until supper time. I then asked Neb to take them upstairs to wash hands before supper. Well, you would have thought that world war 3 had broken loose in our house because it wasn't me who was doing it!! I finally calmed her down eventually and she ate her supper 10mins after Bel!

I have to go now as Car is saying "Tata" to the laptop and pushing the lid down, while shouting "huggie" at me