I have never

I was reading the paper online last night (well, Neb was out and there was too much sky+ happening on the TV so what else is a girl to do) and noticed that there has been some new research into things that many Britons have not done - a bit like the I have never game drinking game!


Going to McDonald's               19%
Flying in a plane                      23%
Sending an e-mail                    16%
Ordering a takeaway coffee     30%
Going to a football match         36%
Reading Shakespeare             37%
Wiring a plug                           17%
Getting drunk                          14%
Visiting France                         23%
Using a mobile phone               6%
Using a public toilet                   5%

It does worry me that some of the experiences on the list are normal every day experiences, I mean we have all been to McD's have we not? There is only 1 thing on that list that I can say I have never tried and that is Flying on a Plane. Don't worry I'm not scared of flying, I've just not got round to doing it and the way money is at the moment never going to!! 

It then got be thinking, what would BNM's I have never list be like.....

  • participated in anything weird (you know like orgy's etc...)
  •  flown a/by plane
  • driven a car on the road on my own 
  •  been arrested
  •  been busking 
  • been anywhere that wasn't UK, France and Italy

That's all I can think of for now , there's bound to be loads more but if you have any please let me know what they are.



  1. Love this idea!
    There is a little town about 12 miles from where we live that I have never visited, and I always say "I've never been there!" when someone mentions it. It seems so bizarre as I've lived in this area all my life, but it's true!

  2. Two questions....first; you don't drive?! I would *die* without my escape hatch, err....I mean car. And two; what is "busking?"

  3. I have an issue with the driving, its not that I don't want to drive, its the whole passing the test thing that's an issue! Busking is playing music in the street and getting money for it (illegally I think...)


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