The Brain Diary

School has been back in for a couple of weeks and it seems that moving up a year hasn't increased Bel's memory at all.

This is a typical conversation I tend to have with her every day after school.

"So what did you do today"

"I can't remember"

"Did you do reading"

"I can't remember"

"Did you have Maths, you know sums and things"

"Mummy, my brain diary doesn't work, I can't remember"

"Did you have singing"

"I can't remember mummy"     (does anyone see a trend by now!!!!)

me exasperated after asking many questions and getting lots of I can't remembers asks the only question that will give us an answer... "What did you have for lunch"

" Well, we had gravy, potatoes, broccoli and meat (note : child will not know what kind of meat she had ever!) and then we had rice pudding"

Can anyone tell me why Bel can remember the eating part of the day but the learning parts seem to have been forgotten completely!

And if anyone wants to know , the brain diary is Bel's way(!) of remembering things but as she noted the other day " Its's not real you know Mummy!!


  1. Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog, so glad it's not just me that has no idea what their children are doing during the day!


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