Proud to be a working mother

I am a working mother and I am proud. My children are not unhealthy whatever they may say:
BBC News: Working Mums' Children Less fit  (note I didn't watch this as I was on my way to work by then!!)

I just can't believe this news article, I mean honestly do any of us working mothers need this.
I know that I (as the sole breadwinner) in our house (at the moment!) am providing food, clothes and shelter for my children! My 5 year old does not constantly watch tv or drink sweetened fizzy drinks - in fact smoothies and fruit rule in our house!

If we won the lottery I think I would still work - I love my job and I love my children too!

Please lets all speak up against this outrageousness, I WILL NOT FEEL GUILTY!


  1. There's other research that shows that children of working mums are doing much better at school and have better life chances. So no need to feel guilty at all!!!

  2. ...and why should you! You're instilling in your kids a good work ethic and are providing for them rather asking the state to.

    Hi BNM - thanks for being the first to leave a comment on my blog and yes I did enjoy the wine thanks...I always do!

    I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your blogs x

  3. Hear hear!! Tired of being guilted out.

  4. Yes, I heard this on the radio. Working Mums are always being bashed for one thing and another, but I will not let it get to me. I have worked hard for my career and I love my daughter. What if she wants to work and have a family? At least I am teaching my daughter that it is possible to have it all. (Or to try!)

  5. I will join you in refusing to feel guilty.


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