Pushing the limits ( how to cope with them tantrums!!)

They all warn you about the terrible twos but no one warned me about the terrors of turning three.

Car is well and truly pushing the limits these days (and not just mine either, Neb's and Bel's too!). I think its because she is trying to find her boundaries (which to be honest I thought we had set and she had understood!).

So, have you passed the tantrum stage, or are you still there, or getting there, any ideas?

With both girls, I've had to use different strategies for dealing with tantrums (Yes, its military planning here!)


Bel didn't really tantrum much - she was possibly the perfect first child, which obviously spoilt me when Car was born. (Yes,I do know that saying she is the 'perfect' child is tempting fate but I am touching wood and typing this!).
When she had done something wrong we could put her into time out on the naughty step and it worked. I also remember that when she looked as if a tantrum was brewing we'd distract her. I cannot be the only mum who has shouted "Aeroplane" while sat in a car 'sans' kids!


When little miss butter wouldn't melt Cat starts well god help you. I've tried the naughty step and she will literally throw herself off it! And the noise, it doesn't half give you and possibly everyone else a headache!

So, what do I do.. well I've resorted to counting, 1....2.....3....4....5
I can on good days get to 2 and she will stop. But sometimes, even the counting doesn't help and then we do have to send her to her room or take something way.

Remember if you are dealing with a tantrum, here are my handy hints:

DISTRACTION - even the most inane objects can be used
NAUGHTY STEP - if your child is small, try and hold them but watch out you may be kicked, bitten etc...
COUNT -  slowly and calmly

Of course, if all else fails there is always the option of passing the children to your OH, taking a deep breath and heading for the nearest glass of white wine!!!


PS Please feel free to comment on how you deal with tantrums.

PPS Big thanks to Joanne Mallon who inspired me to write this post, which she may feature in her upcoming book, details here
