To pee or not to ...

Yes, this is another one of those blog posts that may contain toilet humour (something that as a Mummy blogger one must do at some point or another, apparently!).

I've mentioned before (somewhere, try here or here) about Car and her need to pee in every loo we see now that she has conquered day time potty training (we're still working on night time -come back in a few days to hear more!).

Saturday, while shoe shopping for Bel (it seems that both her school shoes and her trainers were way too small and that she is now at 7 a 1 1/2!!) Car mentioned that she "need a wee mummy". Luckily as we were not that far away from one I walked her to it - leaving Neb and Bel to pay for shoes!

Now, having had the opportunity of visiting many loos with her, I am now able to answer most questions, normally about condom or tampon machines with ease, that is I say their Mummy or Daddy things and leave it at that. Yesterday though my normal answer wasn't enough for her - in the toilets they had above the toilet roll paper bags for disposing of tampons and other lady products with. She asked "What 's that Mummy"  and I gave her the normal answer but all I got was "What things?". So being a bit flustered, I repeated "things".

This little voice then piped up "Is it for when you pee your knickers mummy!"


PS I do not pee my knickers!!
