Simple things please simple minds

It was my first day back in work today, so you will forgive me if I jump on board the Listography band wagon (my brain is very addled already!) .

I love the idiom "simple things please simple minds" because I love simple small things - the silliest things make me smile ~ like seeing a dog with its head out of the car window and its tongue lolling out!!!

Anyway, here is my top 5:

1) Giving the kids water holders, bottles and spray bottles and letting them play in the sun with water. (This we did last week, but I was worried the camera would get soaked so didn't!!)

2) Car and Bel's hysterical laughter - guaranteed to turn a frown upside down!

3) A mummy hug, back hug, will not let you go hug (from one of the girls!)

4) Having a pint in the local pub (with or without the kids), there is something refreshing about pub cider!

5) Sunday morning lie ins (with a book)!

