100th post - how the heck did that happen

Yes readers, I've reached 100 posts. I've no idea how! I also now have 43 followers - but I think that may be due to the fact that I may comment more than I blog.

Anyway I wanted to celebrate this and I've really thought hard about how to do it and .....I've no idea how!!

So I thought I'd leave it up to you... 100 posts - 100 questions.. leave me a question, no matter how random on the comment post and I will try and answer them on my 101 blog post. It'll give you all a way of getting to know me better - if you really want to of course...be warned I am completely insane!!!

While I'm here I would like to thank the 43 people who now follow me - I'm so in shock everyday when I come online and see there's a new one - someone else out there who thinks I'm worthy enough to be followed. Thank you all.

And also this week I'd like to pass on a big thank you to Josie@Sleep is for the Weak for using one of my posts as the inspiration for this week's Writing Workshop. I honestly am chuffed to bits!!

Anyway I will go now and await your questions...(bites finger nails!!)



  1. Congratulations on your first century.

    The question from Spain is: da da DAAAAA

    Who is your favourite famous Welsh person?

  2. Congratulations!

    My question: Bourbon or custard cream?


  3. Congrats on your 100! It happens so very quickly doesn't it? As for a question?? Hmmm, I'll have to think about this one as I want it to be a good one......

  4. God, this is a hard one!

    What do you do when (you think) no one is looking?

  5. Okay I'm back with my question. It's kind of a two-part one if you don't mind; but technically it's only one since I put it all in one sentence (yes, I'm tricky that way!).

    How did you come up with the name Bare Naked Mummy and what prompted you to begin blogging?

  6. Congratulations! and may there many hundreds more. Question:

    If you really HAD to as in if there were the last men on earth and your procreation with one of them would save the world would you go for:

    - Jeremy Kyle
    - Gordon Brown

  7. My demand, err I mean, question:
    Give us one confession . . . ?

  8. 100 blogposts - excellent!

    Here goes:
    - What is your most memorable blogging moment?
    - Your top 5 blog posts from blogging friends?
    - If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

    looking forward to the answers xx

  9. Congrats on your 100th post!

    Q. What is your guilty pleasure?

  10. Mnay congratulations!
    Guess my question would be:
    If you could be anyone else who and why?

  11. Congratulations!

    (and you are very very welcome on the writing workshop by the way)

    My question is:

    You have £500 to spend on ONLY YOURSELF. What would you spend it on?


  12. Congratulations on 100 posts!!! That is a great accomplishment. And you shouldn't be surprised by all your followers at all. Your bloggie is super rockin!! We adore you.


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