What's Right again?

 This is a blogpost in response to the Writing Workshop at Sleep is for the Weak #1

In Welsh the words for left and right is Dde and Chwith but not necessarily in that order. I can never remember which hand is which!!

And when I say that I mean I've never known it. 

My dad would say something like - "Draw fan na ar y Chwith " which means "Over there on the Left" or is that "Over there on the Right", I don't know. 
Even when Neb asks me is that the road to the left or the right when I'm reading the map (which is upside down so I can read it  and then know we are going the right way!) and I go this hand, which I know is very useful!

When Bel first started school they gave her a hint which she shared with me which is " If you make a L with your hand then the one where the L faces the right way then that is your Left hand". I do tend to use this quite often but please don't ask me what they are in Welsh!


  1. I do the upside down map thing too, glad I am not alone!
    I had problems learning to drive because I can't tell my left from my right. I will be using Bel's method of telling from now on!

  2. Most of our car trips anywhere are punctuated by me shouting "left... no no I meant right!"

    You are not alone!

    Thanks for your post :)

  3. I think it may be only us women who do the upside down map thing though!Neb tends to laugh at me!

  4. Oh, I don't know. When first I arrived in London through Victoria bus station. I bought a A-Z in a Kiosk within the building. On stepping out of the building I had to look at the Sun and rotate the map in order to ground myself. And for the longest time after, every time I got off the Tube at a new station I did the same thing.
    Look at your watch, find the Sun; right sholder (Dde in your money) West. Left/East. Sun on your face/south. your back/north. Turn the map upsidedown and you are sorted. Simples as the meerkats say.

  5. i have the worst sense of direction ever. it does not stop at left and right. i cannot even find my way out of a parking lot sometimes.


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