What we did this weekend....

I'm sorry if I've been quiet this weekend but I have been severely bunged up and had bad earache so couldn't quite hack typing. Anyway after catching up with the blogs on Friday I borrowed some ideas.

I've recently started following some new blogs, thanks mostly to reading other people's blog rolls and to Judith's Room which as you may or may not know is the brain child of Josie over at Sleep is for the Weak and which is a community for all us ladies out there who write.

Anyway in work on Friday I started reading The Diary of a Frugal Family which is all about one family surviving the credit crunch. And as you may or may not know I love to cook things with the girls so after one read of her recipe for tortillas I decided that we would have them for supper on Saturday. (BTW Supper= dinner!, just in case I confuse you...)
So after a rainy Saturday afternoon - we spent most of it playing Megabloks and watching Racing Stripes that I had Sky+ over Christmas I got everyone in the kitchen and with Bel and Car's help made the tortilla dough. Car got bored at the mixing stage and Neb had disappeared so me and Bel spent 5 minutes kneading. We then used up the leftover turkey that I had defrosted and made cajun styley Turkey mix (fry onion and peppers, add turkey, add ground cumin, ground coriander, paprika and smoked chilli pepper and mix. I can't give you weights because I kinda chucked them in) for inside the tortillas for us grown ups and cut up cheese, ham, turkey (plain), tomatoes and lettuce for herself and Car.
Neb then decided that he would join us and rolled out the mix into circles which Car then thought it was funny to poke holes into but after sitting down and eating everyone eat them .... mmmm they were very yummy and got the thumbs up from Bel who can sometimes be fussy!

Yesterday I decided that we would all go for a walk and after asking Bel if she'd prfer trees or seaside went out in the car to the spot. Now I am very lucky were I live that there are so many places to go to inland and on the seaside. So we arrived at the sand dunes and the girls had so much fun charging on the boardwalk and then running up and down the beach that for Car it got too exciting and I think we tired her out as we  had to walk back to the car carrying her.

Now a while ago I was tagged by Make do Mum for the favourite photo meme that I know was started by  Tara over at Sticky Fingers  and I know it has been doing the rounds so here finally is mine!

Now I wanted to find a picture of Neb and the girls that didn't give too much a clue of who they are and yesterday while out we took this on the spur of the moment! In it you can see Neb laughing hard - but it was his idea to climb onto the log not mine!! Bel thought it was great and joined in with her oar and Car then had to climb aboard!!! I think its going to be one of my new favourite ones and can't wait to get paid so I can print it out and put it up somewhere...

Now as with all meme's I need to pass this on so I'm going to pass this to the ladies that I follow and who follow me in the US (yes I know I said ladies I'm being polite!!) so here's the picture perfect meme to :

Gigi as I know you've been away and have many pics you could share & to
Nicola aslong as it isn't of your grannie's boobs!
and Lee@TheWayISeeIt but no more dead things please

Hope you have fun with this one....

Anyways I have a day off today as dear Neb has had to go to a funeral of a dear friends' father so Car is currently pretending to sleep and later I will make lunch for her, get the girls supper on and go to collect Bel from school which is apparently something she is soooo looking forward to mummy!!!

Bye for now



  1. hahahahaaha!!! thanks for passing that meme along to me. you are very funny. and i promise no pics of granny's boobs.

    ps amazing and gorgeous pic!!! thanks for sharing.

  2. Lovely photo! There are some lovely quiet beaches in Wales - we went to Southerndown not long ago, so pretty (but very cold & windy in November!)

  3. Lovely pic, looks like you were having a great time! We love the great outdoors too! :-)


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