Trains, Trains and Thomas too - review

Well its been a weekend of Thomas here. We have been lucky enough to review the new series which starts this Monday at 8.25 on Milkshake, Channel 5.

This year is Thomas's 65th Anniversary year and they have made him bigger and better by the use of  full CGI animation which brings the engines and the island of Sodor to life.

Well as I have three train fans in this house (yes Neb too!!) we all sat down to watch these episodes with eagerness and a bag of popcorn!
Car couldn't restrain herself and was shouting Tank, Tank all through the 3 preview episodes.
Bel who prior to watching it had deemed herself to watch Thomas (nearly 6!!) sat quietly enthralled as the characters came to life in front of her.
Even Neb managed to stay quiet and not tell us all what engine types they all were (oh yes he is that sad but not a spotter no!!)

Yes we loved it ! We all loved it and we are now looking forward to seeing the rest of the series.
So if you or your family is a Thomas fan then set your tv to Milkshake at 8.25 on 5 or like us press record and welcome the new episodes of Thomas to your house.


  1. I wish my kids would like Thomas the Train. But they are way too head over heals for crap like Sponge Bob Square Pants. You are a way better mom than me!!

  2. I'm not - I'm sure Bel would rather watch SpongeBob too!!!


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