A Friday Reminiscence

Yeah, Friday is here. Thank fuck for that. I'm glad to have this week over - what with vomit central on Sat/Sun/Monday (hands up if you've also sent your kid to school and then that kid throws up in car after you've been dropped off!), the visit on Wednesday and now we have reached Friday.

Last night, I had a thought (rare I know). Do you remember the Friday night's BC (Before Children). The having a few drinks, going out and partying times. The lets stay in until 12 and then go out (OK that was in Uni and its because my flatmate was a bit mad!). Or the lets have a house party nights. And then it didn't matter if you had a lie in on Saturdays to recover from your hangover (not that you used to get one - note though have realised that Pimms doesn't give me hangovers either!)  and then mooch around in pyjamas or go shoppping or eat lunch out and then do it all over again on Saturday and then stay out even later and then stay in bed all day Sunday!

So, to cheer me up because you all know that after sending the kids to bed tonight and drinking some cider I'm going to be a dribbling mess on the sofa (asleep!). And then I will not have lie in because tomorrow is Saturday and I would actually like to get the kids out of the house (please no rain) and then Sunday we are taking my dad out for a belated Father's Day Lunch. SIGH.

So, to cheer me up, here is one of my favourite songs for getting me up and dancing in those days (and now but I'm tired!)

Have a great weekend

