A house of no men

Yep your meant to be getting the one about London Day 2 but I just read a blog post over at Gigi's (you should check her out she is fab) and this inspired me to write.

No secret here now it's just me and the kids and apart from maybe some DIY stuff where I have to ask J for help its bloody lovely. I mean the kids aren't always the best and I know that sometimes this drives me insane but after living with a ex husband and then an ex boyfriend it's actually lovely not to live with anyone. 

I mean not that I ever want to get married ever again but if I did I think the new way of doing this would suit. Living Apart Together is the new way of marriage life  and after reading it I can see why. I mean Gwyneth Paltrow does it and it sounds ideal for those of us who love our own indepence, our own mess.

Having then fallen down a rabbit hole it seems (or according to Wikipedia) that LAT has several stages - ie adults with kids that are co -resident but it may be that I have landed into LLAT Living Apart Together in Later Life . Although reading the article here, it seems that LAt or LLAT doesnt have to involve marriage at all. BONUS!

What about you? Do you think you could live in a sepearate house to your signifcant other? I'm aware of a couple around here who live three doors down from each other, her with her kids in one house and him (an ex colleague) in his house on his own. She though apparently still cooks for him! 



  1. Living with other people - significant others or children - has it's ups and downs; that's for sure. I keep telling my husband that should he go first (yes, I just took a very morbid turn) that's it. I am DONE. I will live by myself quite happily. Of course, I say that now (and mean it) but who knows what the future holds?


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