Be thankful

Yesterday was  my birthday and I thought it would be lovely to write a few things that I'm thankful for

Firstly, am thankful to Afon for buying me a lovely lunch in Medina ( a mediterrenean restaurant in town). I will post a review later.

I'm thankful for the lovely women in M&S for my new bras and for stopping me from wearing the awful ones I was. 

I'm thankful that the kids bought lovely gifts, and although Carys was a grumpy pants when I woke her up this morning am thankful that she is normally a lovely child. I also love how I've raised two well formed kids (sorry one child one now adult) and that one of them is currently making my cakes (well muffins but cakes).


I'm thankful for J  for not being a knob. And for having the moves. 

Also for  buying my presents including the mystery one that I have no idea what it is. 


  1. Aww! What a lovely list.
    It sounds like you had a lovely birthday and you were spoilt rotten. x


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