Black hole phenomena

Yes, this is happening in our house as I speak.

Neb asked me last night why I was doing my puzzle book with a pencil - and I answered at least its not a colouring pencil. He laughed and went off in search of a pen. After 5 mins of man finding (he has declared himself the one who knows where everything is in this house!) he gave up.

So can you explain to me why two grown ups and two children have no idea where any of the pens are in our house. I know that sometimes I'll bring them back from work in my bag and give it 1/2 hour and they will have magically disappeared. I have been known in the past to write a birthday card with crayon (you know who you are!).

The black hole seems also to be linked up to the washing machine monster. You know the one I mean, the one who eats one of everything - one sock, one bra wire (it has happened!)!! Its either that or the blackhole is actually the sofa in disguise. I know when I go to buy my next sofa that when I empty this one out I may manage to find some pens, hairbands (another mysterious disapperaring object in our house), lego and money.

Anyway I'm off to find a pen, or something else to write an acceptance card with - do you think eyeliner would be acceptable??



  1. Eyeliner is perfectly acceptable. As in this house every pen that we do find seems to be dry.

  2. Even worse is when all you can find are blunt pencils, and no trace of a pencil sharpener. I'm not risking my good kitchen knives (never mind my fingertips) sharpening them the old fashioned way.

  3. Amazingly I have the same black hole :-). Pens... no matter how many come in, they're gone within seconds. Maybe somebody will come along and explain this mystery! :) Came over from the blog hop to say hi.

  4. I am one of the pencil crayon recievers, yeahh I feel honoured but I have used eye liner before as well!

  5. Hahahaha! Gosh, pens disappear as soon as I get 'em. If all else fails, use blood. You won't run out, lose it, and people will know you're serious!

    Clothespins disappear like crazy around here! Drives me nuts!

  6. Alisha - Blood - now thats a good idea, do you think they would mind if I use the kids!
    SLM -You are an honoured one!!



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