I have the LERGY

This is the post you may not want to read. This is the post thats covered in snot and phlem!!

Yes I have a cold, I think its more than fair to say that I've caught Freshers Flu (its what happens when you get surrounded by sodding students all day long!!). And yes to be fair I have shared it with everyone in my family because that's what good mothers do!! (And I wouldn't want to be labelled a bad mother!!).
I'm such a good mother even if I did send Bel to school on Friday even when she was moaning that she wasfeeling ill, even Neb was like "She's ill, let her stay at home". Me, well I stated she had no temperature so that was it, off to school for her!! In the end she was fine and thankfully the school didn't phone up and ask for her to be bought home (because you can imagine the shit I'd have had to put up with then!)
But today, today we are phlemy (spelt right god only knows!) and I've sent Neb back to bed - because me having a cold means he has Man flu!! And we all know that man flu is worse - achy, moany men!! BLEUGH.

But its all right because if you too have a cold, visit the martyred post on Bloggered forums, because there you will find us all wallowing in our snot!



  1. Me too! The kids went to their dad's yesterday and are there till wednesday, of COURSE I would be struck down! *sigh*
    Hope we all feel better soon! x

  2. Here's hoping that you are feeling better soon!

  3. Oh no.. I hope by reading this I've not caught it!! ;)

    Hope you are feeling better soon! x


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