The one which should have been about the beef

Well as you all remember (if you read this post from yesterday) I was going to cook roast beef dinner for the girls last night but that was before we went out and had an afternoon in the woods. We had lots of fun including hide and seek, pointing at things and swollen hands.
Yes, you heard me right swollen hands!! No of course there isn't a picture of them that would be too scary (and I don't really mean to scare any of you dear readers!) Basically what happened was that on the way back through the woods both my hands swelled up, my right one doubled in size and I couldn't make it into a fist. It was so bad I couldn't open the bottle of lemonade I'd bought for us all to drink in the car on the way home.Luckily after several coffees at our lovely neighbours house M+J it went down but then it was too late to cook roast as if Car eats late she become a grumpy sausage!! M thought after inspecting me that I had been stung by something but luckily all is now well. So, our roast will be tonight instead. I shall get back to you on how nice everything was!!
The other great thing about going to the woods was that it was Car's first long outing in knickers. She did really well and did have her first country pee!!!

Anyway see you all tonight when I reveal the roast and the competition!!



  1. So what was the reason for the swollen hands? I can't wait to find out.

  2. You know all this talk of roasts is making me really hungry!

  3. Ohh! I hope you're hands get better soon! Sounds like allergies to me. Scary stuff!

  4. No idea what it was with hands, but thankfully all is well now.


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