I don't know how she does it - review

There is a book, a finished book, sat on the sofa next to me as I type this.
 A book that has been with me through the madness of the last couple of weeks. A book which I've read snatches of in work, read snatches of with drooping eyes at bedtime. A book which I've nodded with and smiled with and know that I too have done the same kind of things.

And the book:

I Don't Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson, a book which though 9 years old has just been turned into a film. A book which while working mothers breathe will always be current.

The book is based on Kate Reddy, mother of two and successful city business woman. A woman whose lists defy all lists (even my own do not go that far) and who balances her life with the aid of the nanny, Paula and the long suffering husband, Richard. Kate stays in contact with her friends via emails which keep her buoyant and I'm sure if the book was based in 2011 then it would be a blog which kept her going!

Apparently, there has been some controversy about the film but seeing as I'm so busy, I haven't seen it. I can see that as the film has been based in New York that maybe the Englishness of some things may not work but I will remain silent until the day I do see it (on DVD probably, the last time we went to cinema I saw Aliens and Cowboys sans kids!).

The opening scene of the book, sees Kate making pre bought mince pies more homely and reminds me of a scene from my childhood where I was dressed up as the Queen of Hearts with some tarts for the carnival. My mother, also a working mum, had bought the tarts that morning at local supermarket and I'd been bribed not to say they weren't  homemade. So when the judge asked "did your mum make these?" I lied and nodded.

As a working mum, I find myself drawing parallels to this book, and even though I am not a high flyer as Kate is, the book is full of things that pull at my heart strings. I do not do the school run, I have missed sports days (they always land at exam time and when I am the minute taker, I cannot take time off!). I know that I must make time now to be with my kids while they are still young.

I Don't Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson, RRP £7.99, and the film (featuring Sarah Jessica Parker) is out now.


I was sent the book to review, but all opinions given about this book are my own.
