Screaming heebiejeebiees

This is how our nights are known as.
It is not due to any rampant love making but the children!

When Bel was younger (3) she had the Night Terrors. A horrible time when she would scream loudly, whilst pushing and kicking anyone who got close to her. Even a mummy hug wouldn't work. We got through them even though they reoccurred most nights for a whole year.

I had thought that our time with the terrors were over. I thought that we had done our penance.
But no, it seems that Car has decided to follow suit, and though currently not every night (touch wood, cross fingers) they are back.

I hate them with a passion. The only time when being a parent is not enough. When noone knows what's in their heads. When trying to keep calm is what is needed but when nothing I do works.

