Mothership, half term and all that jazz....

Well its Friday, which means that the mothership went home yesterday and today we are going to theirs! Yes, I am Mad but its to do with taking the kids Time Travelling! (I'll tell you more when we get back!)

Half term is nearly over and I for one will be happy to be back in work on Monday. Don't get me wrong I love the girls but am sure that Car has said Mummy at least a million times this week. And, mostly in that annoying voice that is demanding and so draining.

Apart from that she has made her Uncle cry so hard that tears were coming out of his eyes in streams. How, well by walking through a local market town to us on Wednesday (market day) and saying loudly (in a very packed street).. "It seems that someone really smells of Poo around here".

And Bel, well she has been mostly behaved but will someone tell me why she has decided to turn into a grumpy 7 year old who gets arsey at everything! Bloody hormones

In other news, yes so boring this post its OK, you can ignore it, the house is still tidy!

Ah well, I'm off now but before I go, did you know that I'm the 4,151,708,902nd person alive on earth. Its astonishing isn't it. If you want to know what number you are then visit here.

Right I'm off to pack a case, bye for now!!

