Dear So & So - The let it snow edition

Dear TV Weather people

When you say its going to snow here, do remember that there are two avid girls eagerly awaiting the snow. I know we live close to the sea and there's a thermal blanket or something from the said sea stopping the snow but please think of the children!

Yours with fingers crossed


(Dear readers, if you have snow, please send it here as Car wants to make a snowman!)

Dear Hail

Thank you for waking me up at 5am this morning with your sound and your non snowiness. I had trouble getting back to sleep, and am now knackered (which makes working on own in office so non -motivational). Please turn to snow tonight as I need to sleep



Dear  Snow

If you are going to land here then please do so at Christmas Eve, after I've done my food shop. I will be very happy for snow on Christmas Day, some on Boxing Day and then a melt so that we can go to the in laws and eat more food! It can snow while we are there because I'll then be stuck and won't have to cook!



Dear all

I'd like snow like this:

Image: Evgeni Dinev /


