Meal Plan (with food ) 29th May 2012

After my non existent meal plan last week, I decided we better eat some planned meals this week *
Anyway I know its Tuesday but yesterday was too hot too even contemplate meal planning so we had Fish n Chips instead!

So this week:

Tue: Cauli Pots/ Jacket Potatoes  (Caulipots are a recipe from  What's for Dinner cookbook basically cauliflower cheese in Spuds!

Wednesday: Quick Rub Lamb Chops, Salad, Rice/Cous Cous (again from the What's for Dinner book)

Thursday: Fish again and smthg

Friday: Italian Crispy Stuffed Chicken (again from that book!)

Saturday : Chinese - a new thing for the kids but after discovering that they loved soy sauce we thought we'd get a takeout and try it!

Sunday: Roast something

No pasta at all this week which is a big change for us, but looking forward to try new recipes!

* we did eat though, I promise I didn't starve the kids

Linking in with Mrs M (as usual) and looking forward to reading all the other menus on offer!


  1. I think I need the book too - meals sound lovely, especially crisp stuffed chicken :)


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