Why the sun shouldn't be shining!

This week , so far the sun has been shining.

The kids have been to school and played with friends, work has been slow ( not very busy at the moment) and life goes on. We've managed to eat well and even though I hadn't meal planned anything we've actually done well. Pork kebabs last night, Gnocchi tonight and shopping tomorrow!

In other news, my friend's mum has died. You might have read that I sent her a hug here. Well, less than a month since that long phone call she is gone. I've spoken to my little hobgoblin and she is devastated. I want so much to be there for her especially with the funeral on Friday but  I know that it needs to be family time now. I've picked out some flowers that I'm putting in the post for her tomorrow and hope to catch her soon and hug her tight.

So sun,  even as many Brits are probably excited that you are here, remember that for some even your bright rays will not stop the tears.

