I am shouting lots this week

All I feel like I have done this week is shout at my two girls.

Yes I understand that they wind each other up. But when one starts misbehaving does the other one have to join in.
I have had a few days off work due to Neb's birthday on Thursday and so this week feels so long. I don't believe its Saturday today because it feels like a Sunday
Due to the crap weather we are having, oh look rain and more rain and yet some more rain again we can't take them out. So they are running round the house, driving each other and me mad!!

Hang on they're at it again....

Sit properly, legs do not belong that far up your head...
Car stop having a trantum,
Stop sulking


My head hurts, I can't take it any more...



  1. We all do it - they seem to survive! Big breaths...

  2. OK this is the second time I have tried to post a comment - I will land up shouting soon too if this ploody thing won't let me post - now we all do it and they do survive! take care...


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