Peanuts and Strawberries

No, I am not going mad!! (honestly!)

Bel came home from school today and said that one of her school friends called "his willy" (she whispered this) his peanut and so she had decided to call her fwfw (as we call it) her strawberry instead.

I really like eating both peanuts and strawberries but I don't know if I can keep a straight face doing this now.

What do you're children call their bits?



  1. Just "bits"; not very imaginative round here. Quite glad though 'cause I don't want to be put off other foodstuffs!

  2. We are just at doodle for now - sure something wonderful will eventuate!

  3. In our house Girls just have a front bum and a back bum, where as boys have Long Front Bum's and back bums!


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