There were ten in a bed

... and the little one said " AND TIGER MUMMY"!

Really, no wonder Car doesn't sleep through.
This evening when I put her to bed we had to make sure they were all there:

There was : Mrs Miaow ( a blue cat), Pinguin ( won by Bel's at Exmoor Zoo for me!!), Monkey (Car's present from us at Exmoor Zoo!), Fimbo (well I think that's who it is- the green and yellow one from the Fimbles!!), Koale (koala bear that did sit on my desk in work!!), Panda, Daisee (Who other than upsy daisy!), Hippo ( a pink hippo courtesy of my dear friend who passes on all her junk, lovely stuff to me), Teddy (flat, bendable ted courtesy of Neb's Uncle I) and last but not least MMouse (Mickey Mouse to you and me!!)

They all had to be lined up in the right place, all tidy and together. Then she had to say Night Night to them all.

This will have to stop, she is still in a cot and it is getting full in there!!


  1. Lol when Little Miss A was in a cot it was just "teddy". Now she's in a bed we have Gemma (a rag doll), Alice (her build a bear rabbit), teddy, hat (yep a proper winter hat), blanket (a hand knitted cardigan from when she was born), glove ( a bootie from hand knitted cardigan set) and sometimes even white dog ( a really fluffy white dog). Where she puts herself I'll never know.

  2. LOL! I remember when Man-Child was a little guy - everything had to be JUST SO. (still that way in some respects; come to think of it!). He didn't have that many "loveys" though; just his blanket and his Pooh Bear. Hmmm, should take a picture of Pooh and document the trials he went through....

  3. This made me think of Gertie (Drew Barrymore) in ET when she is hiding in a mountain of toys. Or was it ET who was hiding? I can't remember!

  4. Ahh - that's so cute. We have a smiliar teddy/bed problem. I love their teddies though so can't bear to put any away! There is an award for you at mine. :)

  5. There will I fear be an entire menagerie before long. Drowning in fluff, ahhh that's the way to sleep..

  6. I don't know how she manages it. I can normally tell when she's been on my bed though as I'm lying on a teddy!
    I wish I could throw them away too - but I daren't. Bel has an entire cupboard top full of teddie


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