
Yes that is me exploding.
I was worried last night that I was getting stuck in a rut and that I was blogging the same thing to you all - that you were getting bored and going off me or that I was boring you but as one of the bloggers on the fabulous Blogger Ed foum (you must drop by very friendly bunch and they don't bite well not all of the time anyway!) said "It doesn't matter if you think your boring, we all do think we are boring but (I) write for the hell of it no matter who reads". (Yes, I am paraphrasing here!)
So anyway if I bore you today then please go away and come back some other day when I am less so.

But getting back to the explosion - I am sorry if bits of my brain hit you - I would promise to clean up but it may have to wait a while.

As you may or may not know, I work in Higher Education and this week and next week is one of our busiest weeks as we prepare for and then register the little darlings (I am allowed to say that as they are soo much younger than I am and tbh look about 12 these days anyway). So, yes my head has exploded, because again this year we have had a record intake in our department and yet again even after asking a) for promotion or b) for more money, I am still the only one dealing with them all.

Image courtesy of  Kotelenez / PhotoBucket

Anyway that is what my head feels like, I have lists upon lists (so obvioulsy I'm blogging in work to relax!), I have tidying of my area to do so that when they arrive I'm not knee deep in paper!!

Best get back to it!!



  1. Love that pic - so funny. Sorry to hear you are a bit stressed -hope it calms down after the little darlings have settled in!

  2. Oh dear! Well I don't think you're boring. I hope today is less stressful.

  3. You're sooooo not boring! Believe me, I am so fed up sat here at a desk all day that I search endlessly through blogs for the interesting ones to follow and keep me sane!
    I haven't come across the forums before so in the process of signing up now...yay!

    Kerry x

  4. You're never, ever, boring!! Quite the opposite in fact!

  5. Oh my gosh. What a nightmare. Let us know how it goes.

    You're not boring either btw ;)

    Becca x

  6. I so know the feeling. I hope you get a bit of time to yourself to destress soon.

  7. Not at all boring, m'dear, in fact, one of my "what's she been up to?" blogs.
    Mad x

  8. Oh, that was brains? I thought it was gray rain!

  9. Oh I so related to this and I don't work in Higher Education...I work in um...carpooling and pretending I am a domestic goddess:) I got a real kick out of reading through your blog!


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