Doctor Who - a Ds game review

Are you big Doctor Who fans?

I know we all are, even Car is starting to like it. But the program has finished for the moment so how do we get our fix of Doctor Who.

Well, we here in the BNM household have been lucky enough to review the new DS game -Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth

I say we, Bel really as it is her DS but no worries me and Neb have had a go too.
And what does Bel think, apart form the gushing of "Thank you, thank you" I got when I first presented it to her, all has gone quiet. Which is I think a good thing - don't you?

This is your chance to be the Doctor and guide him and Amy Pond on a thrilling new adventure. Arriving on Earth only hours before a Solar Storm is due to wipe out all life on the planet, the Doctor and his companion discover the last group of humans preparing to evacuate. No sooner have they arrived then the TARDIS disappears and they embark on a mission to recover it, encountering Silurians and Daleks along the way.

So what is the game like, well after we managed to get her to show us - all I can say is FAB, for her anyway. I think given the time I may be able to finish it quite quickly but as its been aimed at 7-12 year olds, the pitch is just right. The game uses the voices of the actors from the show - Matt Smith and Karen Gillian (Dr Who and Amy).

As can be seen from the screenshots the game is very exciting:

So if you fancy it as a Christmas present idea, I and Bel would heartily recommend it as a fun game which will test your child's logic skills. It may even give you some peace and quiet during the hecticness of Christmas!!

The game is available to buy at most shops retailing at £34.99 but if you search you can find at prices as low as £25.91

