Should I be a Pushy Parent?

I don't push my kids to do anything. They can do what they want to do (within reason)

I will never be a pushy parent who makes sure that little Tarquin is the one singing a solo in the Christmas panto as he is given lessons by the schoolteachers and is good at everything*.

I'm probably what you'd call a relaxed Mummy but it hasn't failed me yet. Bel had parents evening on Wednesday night and her lovely teacher just gushed with pride at how well she was doing. Her reading skills have been likened to someone nearly twice her age and the teacher is at last realising that she can read harder things ( I mean she's going through a book every other night!). She's even written a poem (I'll share soon) which made my heart beat with pride.

So, when Neb rang just now and said that he'd dropped Car at nursery and everyone (staff too) except her were dressed in pyjamas for Children in Need should I have pushed more. I did tell her that she could wear her pyjamas but after a tantrum (at 8am) I decided it was best for her to go in 'normal' clothes.
Tell me, did I do the right thing, she refused I gave in and didn't push.
What would you have done?


* no idea who this is made it up!

PS Neb did say that Car wasn't bothered about not being the same as everyone else I just feel a bit crap!


  1. I would have just sent Ollie in whatever too. You have to do what works best for you, and screw what everyone else thinks.

  2. I would have not bothered with the PJ's. I am teaching the boys to understand that they can be their own people and they dont have to follow the herd

  3. Pick your battles. So what, she didn't want to wear pjs. It's not the end of the world. You are raising two strong and independent girls - so you are doing something right!

  4. Isaac didn't want 2 wear spots so we agreed he'd take the spotty t-shirt in his bag, then if he did feel left out he could put it on. He didn't but it was his choice. It's good both the girl's have their own opinions and you listen to them, and respect them.


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