Is it made out of cardboard?

Car (like Bel before her) has discovered that stars are pretty. Now every night before bed she likes to see them.

Last night, she went out to see them with Neb and was full of questions. Now at the moment you can see Venus from our house (well we think it is - if anyone has any other ideas please let me know!!). So Neb started to explain to her about Venus. Here is their conversation:

Neb: Look Car, there's Venus its a planet
Car: WAW Daddy, a planet
Neb: Yes
Car: Is it made of cardboard?
Neb:No not cardboard
Car: Oh, you sure Daddy
Neb: Yes, cardboard is made out of wood and Venus is made out of rocks and stones.
Car: Oh. Why Venus not made out of cardboard then?


  1. I loved this conversation! Made my morning!

  2. Bless her! I love when they are so sure of their opinion despite it being completely wrong and formed from God knows where!


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