Cool, Calm and Collected

No, not me - but you do know who you are.....

Yes today's post is because I'm crap and forgot to send one of my dear best friends a birthday card. So as I know she reads - this is for you.

For the times I threw my knickers in your mums aspidistra
For the times you apologised (a lot) in dad's car!

For the good times and the bad times with my teddy bear (nb was gonna post a picture of him here but he is looking so sorry for himself!!)

For every birthday I've forgotten (am shit you know!!) this is yours:

Have a wonderful day hun with kids and husband and we'll catch up soon

 In other news, I found out yesterday that I'd made the Mummy Bloggers' Friday roundup list on Parendish. Parendish  is the ultimate guide to celebrate the joys and challenging of parenting. You can see my mention here. After mentioning on Twitter that I'd won - I was told that I needed to celebrate. I was going to do this with a vlog - but luckily for me I've lost my voice.....


  1. I'm sure it'll return shortly... the voice, that is. Hope so, and soon - looking forward to the vlog!

  2. Lovely idea to post a happy birthday here:) Much better than a card :) Congrats on the roundup and look forward to your voice coming back so we can hear it:) Jen.

  3. Do I have disappearing comments? or is there a problem with blogger at the moment? Jen.

  4. Jen --> I had an email notification to say you'd posted twice but second one seems to have magically gone - i blame the fairies who have stolen my voice!

  5. Thank you for my birthday wishes. Definately the most original birthday greetings of the day!!! Definately must catch up soon xxxx
    Wi xxxx


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