What you been doing then?

Hello everyone.
I thought I'd come here and see you all and let you know that my kids are driving me up the wall. Not only have I had them going on about chocolate and Mummy, Car did this over the easter break but I also decided to take some extra days off with them too. So, I'm not going back to work until next Monday and I may have done something to someone by then (probaly to myself!)

We have had some fun days but today they decided that ignoring me was the best idea possible. Everything I said got ignored until I blew up and sent one to her room and the other to the naughty step. All calm then resided over the household. Am I the only one feeling this?
We are off to in-laws tomorrow and have managed to get thumbs up promises of good behaviour - I mean if all else fails I'll just have to get very drunk and get a lie in due to hangover!!!

During behavioural moments we have had some good times - we've been on an Easter Egg hunt in our local forestry, we've been singing the wheels on the bus in the park and we did lots of stamping in muddy puddles while looking for birds at the RSPB centre up the road from us. (We didn't spot any birds but this might be due to the energetic puddle splashing of two noisy little girls!!).

I'm also doing some recipe posting now over at Beth@It's my good life recipe blog. Check it out if your ever stuck for something to cook!!

So, that's it for now - if its dry over the next couple of days and you see some stressed out woman tearing her redhair out at Twycross Zoo that'll be me. Please try and stop me from jumping into the lion enclosure!!
I'll be back to normalish next week - where I'll deal with memes, review some more chocolate (aren't I the lucky one) and maybe post another vlog!!


  1. I so know how you feel. I am off work for the two weeks of the holidays and after today have had enough. My 3 girls (aged 3, 7 and soon to be 10) have been winding each other up and generally misbehaving. Time out has been used alot for them today, had some for me once hubby got home. At least I got them out of the house today but even then they were sick of each other and non-compliant with my reasonable requests most of the time. They were in bed by 7:30pm so hopefully tiredness will not be a factor in their behaviour tomorrow.

    It wears you down after a while becuase they don't seem to appreciate the fact that you are spending time with them and since you're away from work it is a holiday for you too.

    I hope tomorrow is a better day for both you and I. Hugs for you.

  2. I posted yesterday about my relief about going back to work...felt rather guilty admitting it, but all that chocolate doesn't half a hyper active toddler make! Will take a look at your recipes.

  3. See, and my husband is going that I need to calm down - I did read your post yesterday It's a Mummy's Life but forgot to comment.
    Bloody children - thank god for some peace and quite at bedtime!!!

  4. Oh mine have been driving me nuts today too! Who invented holidays anyway eh? No need for 2 weeks at easter - it should just be a long weekend, and as for the 7 week summer holiday... I am trembling at the thought!

    Hope the girls are good for you! :)

  5. And very good you are too at posting recipes! I'm loving them so far.. :)

    Hope you have a nice time at the in laws..


  6. ::sigh:: the naughty step doesn't work on those 15 year old kids......and I'm off with him until Monday as well.

  7. Oh, happy times. Mine are in their teens. SO, I've got to think of something else.

    Thanks for taking me back there, though...I remember those sweet days.

  8. Enjoy your time off - hope they don't drive you up the wall too much!

  9. I know those days when you just know chocolate is the only thing that will save you from yourself. Good luck with it all x


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